What Was To Be A Relatively Innocuous Federal Government, Operating From A Defined Enumeration Of Specific Grants Of Power, Has Become An Ever-present And Unaccountable Force. It Is The Nation’s Largest Creditor, Debtor, Lender, Employer, Consumer, Contractor, Grantor, Property Owner, Tenant, Insurer, Health-care Provider, And Pension Guarantor. Moreover, With Aggrandized Police Powers, What It Does Not Control Directly It Bans Or Mandates By Regulation.
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What Was To Be A Relatively Innocuous
Mark Levin
What Was To Be A Relatively Innocuous Federal Government, Operating From A Defined Enumeration Of Specific Grants Of Power, Has Become An Ever-present And Unaccountable Force. It Is The Nation’s Largest Creditor, Debtor, Lender, Employer, Consumer, Contractor, Grantor, Property Owner, Tenant, Insurer, Health-care Provider, And Pension Guarantor. Moreover, With Aggrandized Police Powers, What It Does Not Control Directly It Bans Or Mandates By Regulation.
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