The Second Suggestion Is To Think As Well As To Read. I Know People Who Read And Read, And For All The Good It Does Them They Might Just As Well Cut Bread-and-butter. They Take To Reading As Better Men Take To Drink. They Fly Through The Shires Of Literature On A Motor-car, Their Sole Object Being Motion. They Will Tell You How Many Books They Have Read In A Year. Unless You Give At Least 45 Minutes To Careful, Fatiguing Reflection (it Is An Awful Bore At First) Upon What You Are Reading, Your 90 Minutes Of A Night Are Chiefly Wasted.
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The Second Suggestion Is To Think As
Arnold Bennett
The Second Suggestion Is To Think As Well As To Read. I Know People Who Read And Read, And For All The Good It Does Them They Might Just As Well Cut Bread-and-butter. They Take To Reading As Better Men Take To Drink. They Fly Through The Shires Of Literature On A Motor-car, Their Sole Object Being Motion. They Will Tell You How Many Books They Have Read In A Year. Unless You Give At Least 45 Minutes To Careful, Fatiguing Reflection (it Is An Awful Bore At First) Upon What You Are Reading, Your 90 Minutes Of A Night Are Chiefly Wasted.
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