Raphael Painted, Luther Preached, Corneille Wrote, And Milton Sang; And Through It All, For Four Hundred Years, The Dark Captives Wound To The Sea Amid The Bleaching Bones Of The Dead: For Four Hundred Years The Sharks Followed The Scurrying Ships; For Four Hundred Years America Was Strewn With The Living And Dying Millions Of A Transplanted Race; For Four Hundred Years Ethiopia Stretched Forth Her Hands Unto God.
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Raphael Painted, Luther Preached, Corneille Wrote, And
W. E. B. Du Bois
Raphael Painted, Luther Preached, Corneille Wrote, And Milton Sang; And Through It All, For Four Hundred Years, The Dark Captives Wound To The Sea Amid The Bleaching Bones Of The Dead: For Four Hundred Years The Sharks Followed The Scurrying Ships; For Four Hundred Years America Was Strewn With The Living And Dying Millions Of A Transplanted Race; For Four Hundred Years Ethiopia Stretched Forth Her Hands Unto God.
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