My Father And Grandfather Were Stockbrokers, And They Would Actually Take Stock Certificates From A Vault, Give It To A Runner, And Send It To Another Vault. Then Somebody Said, "let's Digitize It And Have One Vault." Now The Dtcc Clears And Settles Almost Everything, And The Cost Of Doing A Trade Is A Tenth Of What It Was Before.
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My Father And Grandfather Were Stockbrokers, And
Jamie Dimon
My Father And Grandfather Were Stockbrokers, And They Would Actually Take Stock Certificates From A Vault, Give It To A Runner, And Send It To Another Vault. Then Somebody Said, "let's Digitize It And Have One Vault." Now The Dtcc Clears And Settles Almost Everything, And The Cost Of Doing A Trade Is A Tenth Of What It Was Before.
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