Mandela Didn't End Apartheid In South Africa, The Poor Guy Was In Jail For 27 Years, It Was The African People That Ended It But He Was A Symbol Of Their Struggle. Or Gandhi In India, Gandhi Was A Great Believer In Non-violence And He Was In And Out Of Jail, But India Became Free. I Think It's Better To Look At What People Can Do Collectively And That's Why It's So Important To Encourage Them.
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Mandela Didn't End Apartheid In South Africa,

Tony Benn
Mandela Didn't End Apartheid In South Africa, The Poor Guy Was In Jail For 27 Years, It Was The African People That Ended It But He Was A Symbol Of Their Struggle. Or Gandhi In India, Gandhi Was A Great Believer In Non-violence And He Was In And Out Of Jail, But India Became Free. I Think It's Better To Look At What People Can Do Collectively And That's Why It's So Important To Encourage Them.
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