I'm Also Really Fulfilled By Having A Production Company And Producing Movies, And Learning About How That Works And Happens. It's A Totally, Entirely Separate Skill Set And It's One That I Happen To Also Enjoy. So, I Intend To Cultivate All Of Those Things Until I Can't Anymore. That's My Goal. I Love To Be Challenged And Busy, And So Far, So Good. I'm Just Going To Do Whatever I Can To Continue To Encourage That.
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I'm Also Really Fulfilled By Having A
Zachary Quinto
I'm Also Really Fulfilled By Having A Production Company And Producing Movies, And Learning About How That Works And Happens. It's A Totally, Entirely Separate Skill Set And It's One That I Happen To Also Enjoy. So, I Intend To Cultivate All Of Those Things Until I Can't Anymore. That's My Goal. I Love To Be Challenged And Busy, And So Far, So Good. I'm Just Going To Do Whatever I Can To Continue To Encourage That.
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