I Would Just Say That I Could Share What Served Me, Which Was Trying To Find The Best Material That I Could Possibly Find And Make It Better. When Other Celebrities And Sports Stars, Or People That Are Successful In Another Area, Cross Over Into Movies, They're Always Encouraged To Bring That Same Tenacity And That Same Relentless Drive That You Had To Make It. You Have To Apply That To Acting.
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I Would Just Say That I Could
Dwayne Johnson
I Would Just Say That I Could Share What Served Me, Which Was Trying To Find The Best Material That I Could Possibly Find And Make It Better. When Other Celebrities And Sports Stars, Or People That Are Successful In Another Area, Cross Over Into Movies, They're Always Encouraged To Bring That Same Tenacity And That Same Relentless Drive That You Had To Make It. You Have To Apply That To Acting.
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