I Know Perception Is Reality In Politics And I Know How It Looks, But The Reality Is Democrats Lost The Election And What They Thought It Was Gonna Be, A Landslide With The Best Candidate They Could Have Ever Nominated, Hillary Clinton, Look At The Rejection. The Rejection Is Real. They're Creating A Fantasy Island World In Which None Of This Happened. And That's Where They're Choosing To Live. That's Not Healthy, Folks.
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I Know Perception Is Reality In Politics
Rush Limbaugh
I Know Perception Is Reality In Politics And I Know How It Looks, But The Reality Is Democrats Lost The Election And What They Thought It Was Gonna Be, A Landslide With The Best Candidate They Could Have Ever Nominated, Hillary Clinton, Look At The Rejection. The Rejection Is Real. They're Creating A Fantasy Island World In Which None Of This Happened. And That's Where They're Choosing To Live. That's Not Healthy, Folks.
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