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Because The Regime Is Captive To Its Own Lies, It Must Falsify Everything. It Falsifies The Past. It Falsifies The Present, And It Falsifies The Future. It Falsifies Statistics. It Pretends Not To Possess An Omnipotent And Unprincipled Police Apparatus. It Pretends To Respect Human Rights. It Pretends To Prosecute No One. It Pretends To Fear Nothing. It Pretends To Pretend Nothing.
-Vaclav Havel
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Because The Regime Is Captive To Its

Vaclav Havel
Because The Regime Is Captive To Its Own Lies, It Must Falsify Everything. It Falsifies The Past. It Falsifies The Present, And It Falsifies The Future. It Falsifies Statistics. It Pretends Not To Possess An Omnipotent And Unprincipled Police Apparatus. It Pretends To Respect Human Rights. It Pretends To Prosecute No One. It Pretends To Fear Nothing. It Pretends To Pretend Nothing.
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